4 of them would consume 4508 Watts. The Bitcoin network consumes most of its electricity but it has its own energy requirements and that can be met over the long-term. Bitcoin Could Consume As Much Electricity As Denmark By 2020 Bitcoin Bitcoin Mining Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Critics say electric-car firm Teslas decision to. How much power is consumed by bitcoin mining . According to the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance CCAF Bitcoin currently consumes around 110 Terawatt Hours per year 055 of global electricity production or roughly equivalent to. But first consider this. It has been shown that Bitcoin mining consumes more power than an average country when it runs 247. The Digiconomists Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index estimated that one Bitcoin transaction takes 1544 kWh to complete or the equivalent of approximately 53 days of power for the average US. As of mid-May electricity demand for bitcoin is hovering around 143 terawatt-hours significantly outpacing electr...