With a prepaid card youre not extended a credit limit but are required to use your own money instead. It is similar to Master Cards and VISA that we are using in our everyday life. So You Just Got A Bunch Of Gift Cards You Ll Never Use What Do You Do With Them Best Gift Cards Gift Card Exchange Free Gift Cards Transactions made under certain merchant categories or channels are excluded from the CRO Rewards programme. Can you use a visa gift card on crypto.com . We dont accept visa gift. Crypto cards are debit cards that allow you to use cryptocurrencies convert them into fiat money and purchase in the store. However this time you can buy things in shops cafes and other places with cryptocurrency. You can use them wherever Visa is accepted but your spending wont affect your credit score and you dont need certain income requirements in order to get one. Prepaid cards that have the MasterCard or Visa logo on them can be used anywhere that accepts these card scheme networks. W...